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Nastoyaschaya Lady Iz Volzhskoy Serenady

A New JKC Champion
✫ A first JKC Champion in class of standard poodle of fawn color.

✫ CN — Stasya. She got this name at Home-kennel and we left it the same after her moving to Japan.

✫ Born at Kennel «Iz Volzhskoy Serenady» (Russia).

✫ Body size: 56 x 56. Weight: 20.5 kg (2015/11).

✫ Pedigree at Poodledata.org.

Hip assess by JAHD scored 7 points of 90. It matches FCI rank «A» and means «NORMAL».

✫ Companion Dog CDI test result is «Excellent».

✫ 2 DNA tests by OFA was figured as «NORMAL».

✫ A mother dog of Mark I, Mark II and Mark III litters.

Stasya's Life Showtime After trimming Noko-no-Shima - 2010/05/03
At Kasuga Park - 2010/06/09 Nagahama, Itoshima - 2012/05/06